In this course we will be covering advanced tips and best practices that we have developed over several years of consulting for 300+ customers.

First of all, we will be talking about advanced features in Storage, starting with explanation of architecture, describing table and file storage plus showing you storage operations like delete, create and update. Secondly, we will show you the best practices when creating Snowflake transformation (writing SQL code in a Snowflake database) or Python code. Last but not least, you will understand incremental processing and how to build incremental data flow.

After completing this course, you will be able to avoid most common mistakes when working in KBC.

The course is a part of these certificates: Data Engineer, Sr Data Engineer, Data Scientist

Total Video Lessons Length: 125 Minutes

Time for your notes, coffee breaks (or tea breaks if you prefer), video replays: N/A (individual)

Assignment Length: 45 - 90 Minutes

Course curriculum

  • 1


    • Introduction and Architecture Explanation

  • 2


    • Storage Introduction

    • Quiz 1

    • Storage Jobs

    • Snapshots

    • Aliases

    • Trash

    • Quiz 2

    • Data Types

    • Table Operations

    • Quiz 3

    • File Storage

  • 3


    • Input and Output Mapping

    • Variables

    • Shared Code

    • SQL Tips

    • Quiz 4

  • 4


    • Workspaces

  • 5


    • Flows

    • Quiz 5

  • 6

    Development Branches

    • Development Branches

    • Quiz 6

  • 7

    Keboola Dev Tools

    • Keboola Dev Tools

  • 8


    • Assignment

    • Assignment Overview

  • 9

    Before you go...

    • Course Feedback

    • Resources