This course will show you how KBC is suited for scalable analytics, and organization wide deployments.
Learn about common use cases, and examples of how to split up projects in order to involve more users and use cases in Keboola.
For example, your organization has a team of data developers who are taking care of data as a whole. They prepare tables which can be shared to other projects for data analytics. That means that data developers are responsible for getting data and its quality and data analytics are the users of this data.
After completing this course, you will know the advantages of the setup and you will know how to create it as well.
The course is a part of these certificates: Sr Data Engineer
Total Video Lessons Length: 45 Minutes
Time for your notes, coffee breaks, video replays: N/A (individual)
Quiz Length: 9 questions (spend time individual)
Assignment Length: no assignment included
Course curriculum
Multi Project Architecture
From Data Tool to Data Platform
Architecture Design
Model Example - Bank
Model Example Bank Part 2
From Single to Multi Project Architecture
Architecture Blueprint
Sharing Data
Before you go ...