The Sr Data Engineer track is appropriate for data team leads and those who are responsible for being an architect over multiple Keboola projects, or over a complex data pipeline. It contains all the necessary courses from the Data Engineer certificate (for details see here) plus detailed view on multi project work and other ways how to communicate with Keboola Connection using Keboola APIs.

This track is good for those who find themselves in the current situation, or have ambitions to be:

  • Leading a data team
  • Lead a data team for a medium - large size organization
  • Lead a data team with ambitious goals, including data science and modelling, beyond BI and analytics. 

Some knowledge or experience with calling APIs is recommended in order to complete the Generic Extractor. Refer to Generic Extractor course description for references to introductory materials. 

Knowledge and experience with integrating with APIs is recommended for completing KBC API.

The certificate requires completion of courses: Introduction, Best Practices, Debug Techniques, Common Components and Processors, Generic Extractor, KBC APIs, Business Data Model, and Multi Project Architecture

If you have already completed any of the assignments, you will not be required to resubmit in order to qualify for completion of this course. Either if you went through a course outside of the certificate just skip those lessons.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Certificate Course Introduction

    • Certificate Course Introduction

  • 2


    • Introduction and Architecture Overview

    • Data Sources

    • Quiz 1

    • Storage

    • Transformations and Workspaces

    • Jobs

    • Quiz 2

    • Data Destinations

    • Flows

    • Quiz 3

    • Data Flow Templates

    • Keboola Support

    • Trash

    • Free Tier vs. Enterprise Plan

    • dbt Transformations

    • Quiz 4

    • Course Feedback

    • Resources

  • 3

    Best Practices

    • Introduction and Architecture Explanation

    • Storage Introduction

    • Quiz 1

    • Storage Jobs

    • Snapshots

    • Aliases

    • Trash

    • Quiz 2

    • Data Types

    • Table Operations

    • Quiz 3

    • File Storage

    • Input and Output Mapping

    • Variables

    • Shared Code

    • SQL Tips

    • Quiz 4

    • Workspaces

    • Flows

    • Quiz 5

    • Development Branches

    • Quiz 6

    • Keboola Dev Tools

    • Assignment

    • Assignment Overview

    • Course Feedback

    • Resources

  • 4

    Debug Techniques

    • Agenda and Recap of Important Concepts

    • Common Error Root Causes

    • Storage and Job Event Details

    • Practical Example - Invalid SQL Queries

    • Practical Example - Python and Snowflake Output Errors

    • Practical Example - Missing Rows in Output

    • **Note

    • Practical Example - Merged Load Types

    • Practical Example - Unable to Merge Primary Key

    • Practical Example - Invalid Cypher

    • Dropped Table

    • Resources

    • Assignment

    • Course Feedback

  • 5

    Business Data Model

    • Methodology Overview

    • Keboola BDM Guide

    • Exercise Intro

    • Live BDM Session Exercise

    • Assignment Overview

    • Assignment

    • Submission Requirements

    • Course Feedback

  • 6

    Common Components and Processors

    • Intro and Components Overview

    • Public vs Private Components

    • Component Developers

    • Component Configurations

    • Processors

    • Sample Solution with Processors

    • S3 Processors Deep Dive

    • Common Components 1 - FTP, Email, HTTP

    • Common Components 2 - KBC, Geocode, Apify, Selenium

    • Common Components 3 - Generic Extractor

    • Common Components - Textual Data Applications

    • Common Components 5 - Mailgun

    • Common Processors

    • Assignment Overview

    • Assignment

    • S3 Intro

    • How to Perform a Debug Job via API

    • Resources

    • Course Feedback

  • 7

    Generic Extractor

    • Session Overview

    • Documentation and Getting Started

    • Model Example and Configuration Tutorial

    • API Section

    • Config Section Part 1

    • Config Section Part 2

    • Config Section Part 3 - Child Jobs

    • Config Section Part 4 - Functions

    • Authentication

    • Pagination

    • Mappings

    • User Data

    • Publishing a Generic Extractor

    • Assignment Overview

    • Assignment

    • Resources

    • Course Feedback

  • 8

    Multi Project Architecture

    • Introduction

    • From Data Tool to Data Platform

    • Architecture Design

    • Model Example - Bank Part 1

    • Model Example - Bank Part 2

    • From Single Project to Multi Project

    • Architecture Blueprint

    • Examples

    • Sharing Data

    • Orchestrations

    • Quiz

    • Course Feedback

  • 9

    Certificate Submission

    • Certificate Submission

  • 10

    Before you go ...

    • Certificate Feedback